Cultural Exchange and Community Service

Cultural Exchange and Community Service

photo essay by Christina Peebles

Greenheart Travel Teach Abroad participant, Christina, shares her photos from a community service project she organized with her students in Georgia. The group enjoyed an afternoon of scenic views, community service and a picnic during their efforts to pick up garbage around a cathedral.

I think the students are, and have always been, motivated to take care of their religious sites. Respecting the church was very important to them.

There was so much garbage!

Georgians are extremely resourceful and efficient when push comes to shove.

Earning our lunch of sausage, bread, chocolate cookies, cake, fish, wine, apples, pears, persimmons and lobiani (bean bread).

The students and I take a break from the hard work.

A view of Sachkhere – FINALLY my camera does the snowy mountains some justice.

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