by Mitchell Mahar, CCI Greenheart Travel High School Exchange Student in Norway
During my study abroad program in Norway, my host family and I went to Denmark for Easter break. We went to this great park with an indoor pool, mini-golf, and a fitness center. These little retreats are very common in Denmark. Many Europeans go on holiday in Denmark, because it is inexpensive and they do a good job. The Danish people are very nice and welcoming.
The Danish use windmills to power their homes. This is very smart because they get tons of wind there. With the exception of fishing and tourism, agriculture is the main economic activity. Unlike Norway, Denmark has lots of rich farmland that is available for use, and is a very rich country, both economically and culturally. The Danish people have a deep history of sea-faring, fishing, and baking. The Danish are very well known for their great cakes and delicate desserts.