
Time Flies When You Are Traveling All Over Spain

Time Flies When You Are Traveling All Over Spain

I don’t think that I’ve ever experienced a month that flew by as fast as this one has. That could have a lot to do with the fact that I spent less than a quarter of my time in school and instead traveled all over Spain. My crazy month started on March 26, when I, along with 12 of my classmates, my math teacher and a very generous parent, flew to the island of Majorca for our class trip. The plane ride itself was quite an adventure, as many of my classmates were flying for the first time. I don’t know if anyone reading this has ever been on a flight with first-time flyers before, but I don’t necessarily recommend it

Yes, the plane is going very fast. No, I don’t think we’ll crash. Please detach your finger nails from my arm.

Once we landed, we headed to our hotel, or better said, retirement home, as the entire rest of the hotel residents were vacationers of at least 65 years of age. I guess that’s what you get for having your class trip on a non-vacation week, but still, it would have been nice to have seen a little more life. Not that they weren’t technically alive, but let’s just say the clock’s ticking.

If the Benjamin Button-esque population wasn’t enough to give Majorca the ‘not in Kansas anymore’ feel (or should I say Zafra), the amount of German being spoken certainly tipped the scale. Majorca is an incredibly popular vacation spot among Germans, so much so that the majority of menus, signs and posters have a German section. Walking the streets, you were more likely to hear a German conversation than a Spanish one, which made for a very guten morgen.

Our time in Majorca was spent frolicking on the beach, though only twice daring to plunge into the misleading blue but freezing water, shopping, tourist-ing in exciting places like the underground Cuevas del Drach or Majorca Pearl Factory, and dancing, as the Spanish do. By the time we returned to Zafra, loaded with stories and the famous Majorcan pastries, ensaimadas, we were exhausted, but for me it was just the beginning.

These past couple of weeks have been crazy busy, and while my energy is running on empty, the rest of me is full of coffee and memories to last a lifetime. I realize that my time here in Spain is running out, and while I’m excited to see my friends and family once again I’m not ready to let go of Spain just yet. Besides, I still haven’t told my classmates that it was me prank calling their hotel room with a British accent in Majorca…

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