Muesli cooking in the oven, smells so heavenly I could hardly wait!
The finished project! I always love to top my yogurt and granola with a banana as well, but you can eat it with milk too and any kind of fruit you want. I am sure it would aster just as good.
I then store it in this cute little glass container. Although the recipe does yield about double what is shown here, so I just put the rest in a bag.
God Morgon!
I am starting off this beautiful Torsdag by making some homemade muesli/granola! Since living in Sweden I have been eating so much more homemade foods such as bread, sweets, casseroles, granola, etc! It has been amazing -not only for my taste buds, but also my health and wallet. When you make home made goods you can control what goes in it and how much. This way you can really cut down on unneeded sugar and fats, not to mention that you also do not have to put in all of the crazy chemicals and preservatives that store bought goods contain. Another benefit of making homemade bread and granola is that it is cheap! A average bag of granola can cost anywhere from $6-12 dollars. While if you make it yourself you can make tons of it for half the price – best part is it tastes even better too! I will post the recipe for the granola I made today at the bottom of this post.
Today I have got a lot of little errands and things to do, but I have the day off of school. This is because my teacher has to take the RT3s up north for the week to live in tents our in the middle of no where. RT3 means that those are the third year Rescue Program kids. They are training to be fire fighters and police men so part of their schooling is to do crazy things like this.
I am in school as a BE2 which means Social Science major year 2. Although we do not et to go live in tents for a week, in March I get three weeks off of school for “job training”. My classmates will be following around psychiatrists and helping out at hospitals, I however am lucky enough to do something slightly different and geared toward what I like to do. My amazing host mom, Bea, helped me get in contact with Varbergs leading health and fitness instructor in hopes that I will be able to follow her around and see what life is like as a nutritionist/personal trainer! This person is very busy, she was even named “Varbergs Citizen of the Year” for all of the great things she has done to promote a healthy lifestyle. All this being said she is obviously a very busy women, so she is still thinking about if she will be able to mentor me for those weeks and we should hear back from her by Monday. Likewise, there is a back up plan that is equally as amazing – a fashion internship in a nearby city. I would get to take the train everyday, and attend a fashion school. So either way I am very much looking forward to the month of March!
Currently, Mei-Mei (my younger host sister) is having a friend stay with us for a few days while her mom goes to LA – jealous! So we have a very packed house at the moment, it is a lot of fun though. On Friday it is Chinese New Year so we will have Chinese food in honor of Olivia an Mei Mei and perhaps go sledding by the hill next to us. Then Saturday Bea, Mur Mur, and I are going to see a musical that is being put on by the students at PS. Busy, busy weekend.
Swedish Word of the Day: Ogooglebar – This is a newer Swedish Word and means “Un-google-able” It is used to describe something that cannot be found on Google.
Granola Recipe: