And I’m Off!

And I’m Off!
AHHHHH!!! For anyone who knows me, they can hear that earth shattering scream loud and clear. I am officially freaking out. I am sitting at a bar in the middle of the LAX airport trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am actually going to Thailand. I remember the day I decided I wanted to travel after graduating from UCSB.  It was December, I was sitting in class obviously not paying attention, and I had come up with the brilliant idea that I was going to skip out on starting a  9-5 job and instead, take a major risk and go traveling by myself. Did I know how I was going to pay for it? Hell no! Did I think I was actually going to go and follow through? Def not! But somehow, some way I did it, and now I am  in the airport waiting for my 19 hour flight to Bangkok. I feel like I am in some crazy dream that totally isn’t real. As cliche as this sounds I actually pinched myself to see if it was real. And yes, it was because it hurt like hell. I can not wait to see what the next few days and months will hold and I would not be here without the support from the most amazing friends and family a girl could ask for.

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